Anthony is a creative through and through; not only does he paint, he also does photography and videography. He says that more and more he finds creating to be the reason he wants to wake up every day.
He has always painted, but during his first year of university, Anthony had so much free time that he bought a camera and intentionally spent time creating. In the future, he wants to be able to help young artists, and especially finds himself drawn to the music industry.
What is your preferred medium?
That is a difficult question, but I think painting is my favourite, just because I do not need much else than a paintbrush that I can pick up whenever I need to. However, I would like to keep painting as hobby and instead pursue photography professionally, because I don’t want the burden of what I love having to pay my bills and create unnecessary pressure.
How has your art changed over time?
Over time, I started to put more of how I am feeling into my work, but at the same time, I still want it to look like a body of work. Still, I think my art has become more and more introspective.
What was your favourite creative experience?
A day I will always remember is February 1st, 2020, when I had five of my paintings and five of my photographs as part of an exhibition. All my friends and family came, and even people I didn’t know came up to me and told me their story and how they can relate to my work, which was quite surreal. Responding to this open call was one of the best things I have done creatively and just as a human.
What was the biggest challenge you have encountered on your journey up until now?
I would say maybe finding my own way and style. I ask myself whether people would be able to distinguish my work from others. I want to be consistent with my work and put a touch of me into every single piece, making it as special as possible.
My end goal is to tell a story through a single frame whether it be a painting or photograph. If I have done that, then I have done my job.
What are you going to be working on next?
I am working towards curating my first art book. It will consist of 18 paintings relating to the loss of self-identity. Both of my grandmothers have Alzheimer’s, and obviously I don’t know exactly what they are going through, but from my experience being around them I just wanted to explore the process of them navigating their loss of identity. I am now working on the paintings; I will not post them on my socials because I want them to be exclusive to the book.
What is the best piece of advice you have been given?
I know it is going to sound cliché, but really just do what you want. There are no rules to this life, so just make up your own. Otherwise, you will end up living someone else’s dream or someone else’s passion instead of finding your own. So do you, and do what makes you happy. That is what I believe in most.
You can find Anthony's photography and videography portfolio on his website, and see more of his paintings on his Instagram profile.